UNSUNG – Srishti Digilife Grant for Photography is an annual, no strings attached award for documentary photographers in India. This grant will be given to a documentary/art photographer to further his/her practice (not to carry out a specific project). Photographers will be nominated by a board of 3 people, consisting of Mahesh Bhat (Founder of UNSUNG), Radhakrishnan Vijayakumar (Managing Director of Srishti Digilife Pvt. Ltd.), and the winner of the previous year’s award. There is no process to apply for the award. A panel of eminent jurors will select the winner.
We at UNSUNG Foundation are grateful to Srishti Digilife for coming forward to sponsor the award. The photographic industry needs such enlightened business houses. We are looking forward to making this initiative a great success.
Srishti Digilife believes in encouraging the art of photography amongst the general public, and does so by conducting seminars, workshops, and photo walks. Associated with some of the best photographers in the industry, the goal is to bridge the gap between aspiring young photographers, and professionals, in order to inspire and guide them. The team at Srishti constantly work to spread their passion and enthusiasm for photography. The UNSUNG – Srishti Digilife Grant for Photography is one such endeavour. The grant includes a cash award of Rs.100000/- (One lakh only) and a citation.
Srishti Digilife (estd. 2007) is a global distribution and marketing company committed to providing their clientele with the highest quality of imaging technology and associated equipment. They market world-renowned brands such as Vitec Imaging Solutions (Manfrotto Photo & Video Supports, Gitzo, Avenger, Lastolite, Colorama, National Geographic, Joby), Profoto – The Light Shaping Company, Zeiss, Ilford Photo (Films and Photography Papers), Ilford (Fine Art Digital Media and Accessories), Tamron, Tether Tools, Novoflex, Kodak Colour Films, X – Rite Photos, and Phase One

The third UNSUNG-Srishti Digilife grant was awarded to Jaisingh Nageswaran for his work on socially marginalised communities, exploring themes of gender identity, caste discrimination, and issues of rural life. He is based in Vadipatti village, Tamilnadu.

The second UNSUNG-Srishti Digilife grant was awarded to Menty Jamir. She is from Nagaland and is based in Delhi. Her lyrical, poetic, personal documentary work was appreciated by our jurors, Curator Lina Vincent and Photographer Dinesh Khanna. Other nominees were Paromita Chatterjee, Kunga Tashi and Vivek Muthuramalingam.

The inaugural grant was awarded to ZhaZo Miachieo. He has worked with India Today and Hindustan Times as a photo journalist. ZhaZo now lives and works in Nagaland. His work on the magic of the daily life of his land and people caught our imagination. Photographer Dinesh Khanna, Artist & Educator Ayisha Abraham were the jurors. Photographers Kavir Rai and Harsha Vadlamani were the other nominees for 2020.
Dinesh Khanna
ZhaZo is, what thinks of as a natural and instinctive photographer. One who is more interested in what is natural for him, rather that what he is expected to engage with. In essence, his photographs are an extension of how his lives in his world. This is what propelled him away from his job as a Photojournalist in a big city, which would actually be a dream come true for any young person, and made him return to his roots and homeland Nagaland. I found this extremely interesting and brave of him. Also the fact that he wants to tell the story of contemporary Naga life from the inside, for all its everydayness, ordinariness and not just as the exotic and unusual, is a project worth supporting and, i believe, the grand should be awarded to him to pursue this straightforward narrative and honest story.”
Ayisha Abraham
A quiet strength resides in Zhazo’s work. His photographs have the power to draw a viewer into their reality very gradually. The people he photographs rarely look directly into the camera. Instead, they inhabit a space in the image that makes them both present and absent at the same time. It is almost as though they have the ability to disappear just as easily as they appear on the light and dark surfaces of the printed paper. Zhazo’s work conjures this magic of photography in the way he seeks out his subjects and in the way he gives them a voice without ever making a big statement.